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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Appointment with GI RD

On Thursday, July 24th, we went to CHOC for an appointment with the GI Registered Dietitian to talk about doing a Blenderized Diet or Homemade Blended Foods for Whitney.  When we went to the team eval to qualify for the inpatient, intensive feeding program, they recommended trying a whole foods blended diet.  They said it helps the child's body prepare to digest foods that they will eat by mouth.  It also is a good way to gain weight if they can tolerate it.  
What is a Blenderized Diet? It is very simply, real foods pureed in a blender and given via feeding tube.  But it is also very tricky to master.  There are so many different ways you can do this.  And the most important thing is how the child with handle it. 
There are a few blogs out there about families who have done BD's for their children.  I pretty much read them all!   Here are some sites I found very helpful:

Also this new thing called Real Food Blends is looking pretty popular and cool.  They have pre-made blends specifically for tubies!  http://realfoodblends.com/our-meals/
I have done BD for Whitney before.  I was so excited to start it, but I don't think she was quite ready for it.  It was so healthy and fun to do, but her little tummy couldn't handle very much.  She had just gotten her g-tube at 13 months old and we waited for a couple months to start it. 
Whitney never wanted to eat or be tube feed in the mornings.  After being fed water and formula all night, she was already full and not hungry till 10 or 11am,  when her night drip ended around 7 or 8am.   In fact, she recently stopped vomiting every single morning since we started her on Cyproheptadine in Nov. 2012.
So now we have increased the rate to 75mls/hr and the dose is still 480mls, so it her night drip ends around 6:30am.  And she will want to eat breakfast around 9 or 10am.     
  For the past few months (since May or June 2014), after Whitney could tolerate bolus feeds again, I have been giving her some baby puree foods via g-tube.  She had done so well with that.  I give it to her in the morning around 8 or 9am, after she willing comes to the table to eat breakfast.  I'm just giving her store bought baby food pouch purees in addition to her formula.  
For example:  
greek yogurt, kale, spinach, and apple (130cals)
banana acai granola (90cals)
puree banana, beet, blueberry (80cals)
banana blueberry (90cals)
pumpkin, sweet potato, pear (90cals)
spinach, zucchini, pear (90cals)

 They come in all different brands at the grocery store.  They also vary between 3-4oz per pouch.  Most of them contain banana because it has a lot of calories.  I only give her the ones with the most calories per oz.  Doing it this way does not replace a carton of formula.  I also flush it with 2oz of water.  It just really helps her and is so good for her.  When I give her formula in the morning, she always throws it up.  But since I've been doing this, she rarely throws it up.  The other day I gave her formula first thing because it was getting late and she just threw up it as soon as it finished going into her.  But when I give her real puree food, she does great and then I can give her formula a couple hours later and she doesn't vomit. 
So I told Katherine, the RD, this and she thought it was great.  She was really nice and very knowledgeable about blended diets for tubies.  So we went through the book called Homemade Blended Formula Handbook by Marsha Dunn Klein and Suzanne Evans Morris.  We both brought a copy to the appointment!  I actually got it from Marsha herself during an appointment with her in Tucson, Arizona, back in 2011.   She sold it to me for half price because it was already opened.  :)  Anyways, this book is amazing but I haven't looked at it for a while so it was good to go over it again and I want to read it again now.
She also presented a starter formula that they have that works really well. When getting started, it's best to try one or two new foods at a time, making sure the tubie child tolerates it.  The formula is pretty simple and easy to follow.

There are also recipes and guidelines in the Homemade Blended Foods book that are awesome, but more advanced.  I have also come up with some blends that I may modify or simplify depending on how Whitney feels with them.   It's very important to go slow when introducing new foods.  Whitney hasn't show any sign of food allergies yet, but I will always watch for them.  She may not even tolerate it but I'll keep you updated for sure.  
 Here are the recipes to my old blends when she only needed 900cals a day:

Blend #1: two days worth:
1 1/2 cups Goat Milk
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup strawberries (substitute mixed berries)
1 banana (substitute 1 apple)
1/4 c. dried cranberries
ABOUT 850 cals in 3 cups

Blend #2 two days worth:
1 1/2 cups Goat Milk
1/2 cup dry quinoa (cooked)
2 c. mixed veggies (including broc., peas, spinach, carrots, ect.)
1 avocado
ABOUT 950 cals in 3 cups
850 + 950 = 1800cals /2 = 900 cals a day
NOW (at 3 & 4 years old) Whitney needs 1200 cals a day, so the blends have to be at least 30cals an oz.

New Blend #1:
GRAINS: Brown rice dry baby cereal (6tbsp)
VEGGIES: sweet potatoes and spinach (4.5oz OR 1/2cup)
FRUIT: Mixed berries (9oz or 1cup)
MILK: Dry milk powder (3/4 c)
PROTEIN: cooked beans (1/4c)
FATS: Flax Oil (2tbsp)
EXTRAS: Blackstrap Molasses, probiotic, nutritional yeast,water

New Blend #2:
GRAINS: Oat dry baby cereal (6tbsp)
VEGGIES: frozen or canned mixed veggies (4.5oz OR 1/2cup)
FRUIT: Applesauce and Banana (9oz or 1 cup)
MILK: dry milk powder (3/4cup)
PROTEIN: pureed chicken (1/4c)
FATS:Coconut Oil (2tbsp)
EXTRAS:  Blackstrap Molasses, probiotic, nutritional yeast, water

I might even add herbs and spices that are healthy and blend well. 
Katherine, the GI RD said to use calorie king to look up food calories.
This schedule would be a combo of blended foods and commercial formula.  So if one blend makes one days worth with out formula,  I would just feed it to her over two days.

3 meals of 300 cals each
2 snacks of 150 cals each
5 meals of 240 cals each
8am 300cals (10oz) OR 240cals (8oz)
11am 150cals (5oz) OR 240cals (8oz)
2pm 300cals (10oz) OR 240cals (8oz)
5pm 150cals (5oz) OR 240cals (8oz)
8pm 300cals (10oz) OR 240cals (8oz)
GIVE 2oz water before and after each meal and snack!!!!!

I really don't think she would be able to handle 10oz at a time.  Plus that's a lot of food for me to be pushing through a syringe.  Although this might be thin enough to go throw the pump, but that's more cleaning to do.  :)  Also notice that that schedule is with out a night drip.  Which I have no idea if she will be able to handle that or not either.  But it would be sooo nice to eliminate the night drip.   But with her delayed gastric emptying, this definitely wouldn't work all the time.  Like I said before, it will be a very slow process to work up to.   Whitney would still have to come sit at the table for every meal which would be great for preparing for CHOC's feeding program and also transitioning home (hopefully eating a lot more by mouth).

I've been thinking about it a lot and was thinking about how cool it would be to just throw in the blender what everyone else is having for meals.  Of course that would be a lot of blending and cleaning though.  But if we were having oatmeal and fruit with honey, nuts, and juice, then I could make a bowl for her too, but instead of her eating it (well I would offer some) I could puree it and tube feed her it!  Or a dinner of chicken, potatoes, green beans, and milk, save her portion and puree it for her tubie.  I don't know if it would ever come to that but I was just thinking it would be fun. 
I don't really plan on doing a complete BD, just a partial one to supplement her formula.  Her Compleat Pediatric Formula actually contains chicken, peas, green beans, peaches, and cranberry juice.  If all these fancy blends don't work out, then I still plan on continuing to do the pre-made baby foods from a pouch.  It's super easy and fairly inexpensive.  But I'm very hopeful that this will work for her! 

1 comment:

  1. Such great information! I love it when you are able to do the blenderized diet for Whitney. It is so good for her! You always put in the best ingredients! What an awesome mom you are!
